

Wet & Forget

$99.00 5L     $49.00 2L

5L concentrate makes 30L of product. 
Safe on any exterior surface. 
No bleach

Moss, Mould, Lichen, Black Fungi & Algae Remover

IMPORTANT: You cannot use regular Wet & Forget (blue) with the new Rapid Application hose fitting. It will NOT work as dilution rates are different.

Wet & Forget® has a unique combination of biodegradable selective surfactants for moss and mould removal on absolutely any exterior surface. When diluted with water and applied, it immediately attacks that unsightly moss and mould. Then Mother Nature takes over. The weathering process gently removes the decomposing growth away over time without damaging the surface it has infested.

Wet & Forget® is the safest, most effective way of removing moss and mould from ANY exterior surface. 

  • Non caustic. Non acidic.

  • No bleach. No water blasting.

  • No elbow grease.

5L concentrate makes 30L of product




Rapid Application


Best Moss, Mould, Lichen & Algae Remover.
You can now reach 8 metres (that's 2 storeys) without using a ladder!
How amazing is that?


Simply connect your hose to the tail on the bottle.

Turn the tap on to about ¼ pressure.

Now turn the black part of the Sniper Nozzle to “ON” and spray!

Product automatically mixes to the correct dilution/ratio as the water passes through.

A Higher reach

More distance

A Faster and more even spread

Total Durability


Window Witch Window Cleaner


Best window cleaner ever. 2L. Streak free! No need to squeegee.
Click onto hose. Off you go!

Window Witch® is easy to apply!

Apply Window Witch® to the window with our new Sniper Nozzle which can reach up to 8 metres (that's 2 storeys). Move quickly to avoid wastage.

Lightly agitate with an extendable microfibre window pad to loosen any excess dirt and grime.

It is very important that you rinse off within 5 minutes. Don’t let Window Witch® dry on the surface!

When you rinse off - rinse thoroughly by turning the nozzle position to water. Work from the top of window to the bottom so that you don't leave any soap residue.

Benefits: No need to squeegee windows!

Window Witch® is fantastic to maintain recently cleaned windows and should be used as a maintenance spray.

Water sheets off, leaving your windows looking sparkling clean!

Takes the hard work out of window cleaning.

Safer! – no need to climb ladders. You can stand on the ground and reach a height of 8 metres.
Coverage: When used as per instructions on the bottle, Window Witch® will cover up to 600 sq metres.

Water Tanks: If Window Witch® is likely to enter your water tank via the guttering, you will need to disconnect your water supply for a minimum of 10mm of rain, or 2 decent downpours to flush away any residue.


Shower Witch


Great for showers to remove soap scum and body oils.
Also for cleaning your dishwasher, washing machine and venetian blinds.

How Do I Use It?

Applicator gun supplied.

When you finish your shower, spray all your surfaces including the base.

Leave it to soak until your next shower (preferably overnight - not necessary though if you are cleaning regularly).

Use your shower head to rinse it all down. If you don’t have a removable shower head, then clean the shower as you already do - by wiping it down or with a bucket of water and cloth. Be careful to spray the base first in case it is slippery.

Just watch the soap scum, body fats and grime dissolve away and disappear before your eyes.

A wipe down may help in extreme cases.

Your chrome, glass.... everything...will absolutely sparkle.

You’ll love the vanilla fragrance!

Only use it when you see a scum build up. YOU DON’T USE IT EVERY DAY


Wet & Forget Indoor - Mould+Mildew Sanitising Cleaner


Mould + Mildew Sanitising Cleaner
Cleans, deodorises & sanitises all in one labour saving step.

2L 'Ready to Use'

Kills mould & mildew and inhibits the re-growth.

Cleans, deodorises, sanitises all in one!

Easy to use – just spray and then wipe the surface.

Bleach free formulation, does not release any harsh or irritating fumes.

Note: For best results, eliminate the source of your moisture problem by keeping the area dry and clean. In areas with excessive exposure to moisture and humidity, such as bathrooms, repeat treatment every 7 days or as needed if new growth appears.

In severe situations, you may need to take steps to cosmetically remove the stains left behind after Wet & Forget® Indoor Mould + Mildew Sanitising Cleaner has effectively killed the mould and mildew.

For Use On Washable Surfaces.
Use in damp areas such as bathrooms, showers, kitchens, basements, laundrys and other household areas!

For Use On Hard, Non-Porous Surfaces:
Bathtubs, Bathroom Fixtures, Ceilings, Countertops, Finished Woodwork, Floors, Garbage Bins, Laminated Surfaces, Metal, Outdoor Furniture (except wood frames), Plastic Upholstery, Showers, Vinyl, Walls, Phones, Computers, Boats, Campers, Mobile Homes, Edges around your carpets and Wall mouldings.


Miss Muffet's Revenge Spider Repellent 2L


Miss Muffet’s Revenge is a fast-acting exterior spider repellent that helps guard your home from creepy crawlies for up to 9 months. Spiders are good for the environment as they help control unwanted insects, however we don’t always want them in or around our homes. Miss Muffet’sRevenge creates an impassable barrier to stop spiders in their tracks.

How it works

Miss Muffet’s Revenge uses an innovative sprayer designed to deliver more product than the average sprayer so that you can treat areas quicker and easier. Use it to lay a barrier around exterior access points where spiders are likely to get into your home, it will instantly repel them. Avoid spraying directly onto spiders, however it can be used on their webs.